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A350 IFR / FMS Simulator

A350 IFR / FMS software for professional pilots and serious flying enthusiasts, written by an experienced A380 pilot, with assistance from current A350 pilots.

DISCLAIMER:  This software is not an approved training device. It is intended for orientation and recreation whilst reproducing the flight deck controls and instrumentation to a high level of accuracy and realism.

Note: This software allows the user to operate system controls via overhead panel switches and console mechanical controls, and to program the Flight Management Computer during the preflight phase only.   Full freeplay with all controls and systems is a major feature

Further program updates will add full flight functions.

Available soon.

Electronic Flight Instruments

Fully function EFIS control panel allows selection of all navigation modes.

Waypoint constraints, VOR, NDB and Airport symbols are displayed on the Navigation Display with navigation data supplied by your personal subscription to Navigraph.

Weather, Terrain and Traffic are not operational.

Standby Flight Instruments

Fully functional Standby Instruments (ISIS).

Standby Flight Display (SFD) is a backup to PFD and displays attitude / speed/ heading & altitude plus brg/distance to standby fix / standby waypoints.

Standby Navigation Display (SND) allows entry and display of  lat /long positions for standby fix and waypoints (10) together with brg/distance to fix or next waypoint


Pop Up Systems Windows

Popup windows show the fully interactive Overhead Panel and Centre Pedestal panels.  These windows are moveable across the screen or to other screens for enhanced usability.

Selections made on the Overhead Panel are reflected in the various system pages shown on the System Display and on the ECAM Memo display.

Systems Display

All subsystems are displayed on the SD display, including “More” pages

Manual and AUTO engine starts are animated on the System Display together with electrical and hydraulic system reconfiguration, and gear extension and retraction.

3D Flight Controls

3-D effect flight controls are moveable using mouse, or external joystick with throttle controls can be used.   Asymmetric conditions not yet supported, all thrust levers move together, or can be unlinked.

Enlarged Screen Modes

Each Display Unit can be individually enlarged for better clarity, or for use on smaller screens.


Basic fully interactive checklists are available including autosensing of system status.

Normal checklists are displayed on the Multi Function Display, and abnormal checklists are displayed on the Engine Warning Display.   This is an improvement on the A380 checklist display layout.

Limited Abnormal Procedures are also included for basic ECAM management

Flight Management System

Fully functional FMS with all pages, except ATCCOM and FCU Backup.

  • All Flight Plan vertical and lateral revisions applicable to the preflight phase.
  • Full SID and STAR procedures (with Navigraph subscription).
  • Active, Temporary and 3 Secondary flight plans.
  • Basic performance data allowing time, altitude, speed and fuel flight plan predictions.
  • Waypoint, navaid, airways, holding and airport data (with Navigraph subscription).
  • Company flight plans and wind data loading via customised text files.
  • Manual flight plan building.
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